Dixie’s Upper Sixth 2024 (pictured above at the end of year PTA and Sixth Form Ball) reaped the rewards of their commitment and resilience over many years and these young adults, their families, and staff celebrated another year of excellent results at the Dixie Grammar School yesterday morning. 

Statistics cannot ever reflect the personal journeys undertaken by each student, but exam results were impressive. Over a third of all exams taken were graded at A* or A and the percentage of top grades is among the best since the introduction of the new A* in 2010.

A* A*/A A*/B A*/C
11% 34% 64% 86%


We are delighted with this superb cohort’s considerable achievements: they have so much to look forward to and plan for after the summer. As a sample of these exciting plans: Miles Pulsford (four A* grades and one grade A) and Rica Gibson (one A* and three A grades) both now take up their places to study Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge and Royal Veterinary College, London, respectively; Emily Moyo (one A* and three A grades) and Holly Davies (two A grades and one grade B) go on to study Medicine; Rebecca Kennedy (two A* grades and one A grade) will study Human Biology at Loughborough University; Jonathan Cole (two A*s, one A and one B grade) takes a place to study Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science at the University of Bath; and Frankie Humber (three A grades) goes to study Law at the University of Nottingham.

There are many more stories, of course, and we are hugely proud of every single one of this year group. In addition to the two vets and two medics, five students will go on to study Law, two take places to study Mathematics or Economics and three will study Business; with other courses ranging from Fine Art at Loughborough to International Relations with Politics at Belfast, and encompassing Computer Science, Primary Education, Biomedical Sciences,  Sport and Exercise Science, Psychology, and Engineering.

Mr Lynn, Headmaster, said:

‘I am delighted for this superb group of young people. All members of the Dixie community are so pleased to see our pupils’ hard work and our teachers’ expertise recognised in this way. Most importantly, everyone at the Dixie is incredibly proud that our leavers embody our school values. They are caring, resilient, and generous young adults who have set a fine example in so many ways. We wish them every possible success and happiness, and we look forward to finding out about their new adventures as they return for Christmas Lunch!’


Our next Open Morning is on Saturday 5 October 2024. Click here to register your interest.